HaShem found Zipporah most acceptable as Moses wife, she was a loving woman that chose to save her husband's life to include the lives of the masses when Moses failed to circumcise one of his sons. Verse 24 says that the LORD met Pharaohs firstborn son in an inn and determined (sought) to kill him. On the trip, at an overnight campsite, it happened that the Lord confronted him and sought to put him to death. "Kiss the Son" or "Do homage in purity" in Psalm 2:12? That is why when the circumcision was over, verse 26 says, he let him go. This he is Moses because the nearest male antecedent is bloody husband. This phrase is not about God letting Moses go, but about Moses letting his son go after the circumcision was over. (http://www.usnews.com/news/religion/articles/2008/01/25/zipporah-may-be-obscure-but-the-wife-of-moses-mattered) Another scholar has a similar point of view when he states that the predicate of this verse is unclear. . (Genesis 17:9-12a). When Zipporah saw her husband dying before her eyes at the hand of the Lord, she made a split second decision to circumcise her son and throw his foreskin at the feet of her husband. Once we get the correct understanding of the passage, the hard questions that have plagued theologians for years will vanish. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go. (Macho 1970: 24-25). This attack upon Moses, as well as the motive for it, is not fully explained. Just click the proper button at the end of each article. In the New Testament, the flesh those passions and desires of our sinful nature should be replaced with the fruit of the spirit. Great I Am, light the path before us we pray. Moses had been in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt since infancy. These supplied names seem to make it easier for the reader to follow the narrative. Egypt had caused Moses to forget his rootshis identityas a descendant of Abraham. Although it may seem outwardly there was nothing wrong, to God nothing is hidden! John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God? However, this question cannot be answered without discovering who she was trying to save: Moses or Gershom, her son. Yes, yes. Every Israelite wife and mother would have, thus, been reminded of the covenant between God and Israel, through the circumcision of her sons.4, Because Moses may not have been properly circumcised (by Hebrew custom) before marriage, Zipporah may have achieved two things by circumcising her son. God said that if the children of Israel would not believe the first sign, they will believe the second. 22:13-19), the removal of the prepuce would be the grooms parallel loss. (http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/second/larue.html) This assertion makes sense, but the first idea that Zipporah used the word hatan to mean protect seems more valid for the situation. Two verses before the excerpt provide Gods words for Pharaoh which warns of the plague that will kill each first-born son of families that do not adhere to the instructions of the protagonist. Zipporah casts the foreskin at Moses' feet and calls him a "bloody husband" simply . Why God told him to put his hand back to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand was restored the way it was. Did Moses write the first five books of the Old Testament? To understand the appellation and the circumstance leading up to Zipporah's use of it, we will look back about 400 years: Genesis ends with Joseph as the prime minister of Egypt who, by God's providence, saved Egypt from the famine and welcomed all his . Another example is when Abraham said to his servant, Put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live. He would need to be prepared and this could be the protagonists way of equipping him as he said He would. 2-God expects obedience and submission from His people. The Outlaw Bible Student web site is secured with SSL-encrypted connections. This is actually a topic that is debated often, but scripture is clear that Moses married two different women from two different lineages. Since the days of Abraham, God required his people to circumcise their sons (Genesis 17:10-14), and many academics believe that Moses had failed to meet Gods requirement with the second son (Eliezer). Thank you for sharing the words of god. "She received Moses back from the dead, as it were, and remarried him again." Interestingly, the modern English terms testify and testimony originated from this use. Halter portrays Zipporah as a proud, black-skinned woman who refuses to marry Moses, even after bearing his two sons, until he accepts God's mission to lead his people out of slavery. The trappings of Pharaohs house made it easy for Moses to forget Abels sacrifice, the ram who saved Isaac, and the Hebrew blood that ran through his veins. And why not remind him then? "Devolvit ipse acuto sibi pondera silice." Blood and water flow from the side of the bridegroom in those last moments on the cross. If you are referring to Exodus 4:21-26 in King James Version then it is because his wife had to perform a circumcision of their son and she "cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Moses said, "I have been a stranger in a strange land." In gratitude, the father urged them to go back and bring the kind Egyptian Moses to their village, and soon after, Zipporah would become Mosess wife. It was a Monday morning Editors note: To submit a nonprofit announcement to The Sentinels Religion section, contact Tom Laub at (717) Each year Christians embark on spiritual journeys that culminate with Easter celebrations. here, moses is an analogy of christ, who is our "bloody husband."; i'm not sure what the foreskin represents. Exodus 4:24-26: "On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the Lord met him and tried to kill him. (m) This act was extraordinary: for Moses was very sick and God even then required it. Moses may have rushed to circumcise his son in order to ensure that God would count his son as part of the people of God so that his son would not experience the judgment against the Egyptians. God told Moses to cast the rod to the ground, and it became a serpent. Male circumcision has a special meaning in the Old Testament. After functioning as a social worker for many years, she went on to become the first African American female to graduate from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, with both the master of divinity and doctorate of ministry degrees. 1. Moses told God that he wasnt eloquent with his speech, which aggravated God. This sentence also serves to foreshadow the future narrative. Why did Zipporah do what she did? Why did Zipporah circumcise her son rather than letting Moses do it? Zipporah calls Moses a bridegroom because she had been compelled to acquire and purchase him anew as a husband by shedding the blood of her son, hence a bridegroom of blood. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Whats more, God had just revealed himself to Moses and demonstrated great power in and through him. It is easy to print, download, and email articles. We do not send any commercial advertising, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. What is the significance of being left-handed as Ehud was inJudges. (LogOut/ Juvenal Satyr 6. His first wife was his Kushite half-sister. Yet, we know Moses, his wife, and their son . Moses left Egypt and ended up in Midian. 1)Why did God seek to kill Moses 2) or was is his son that the angel wanted to kill since the passage said "him" 3)why Zipporah called Moses "bloody husband" 4) why would an angel seek to kill an ordained messenger on his journey Another interpretation, however, has this danger hovering over Moses, and in order to save him, Zipporah circumcises their son.(http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/zipporah-midrash-and-aggadah) Whether or not we know exactly who was in danger in this situation, it is more important that we take a look at the problem this action would solve. Devils Line Season 2: Release Date CONFIRMED or CANCELED! Gershom is now identified as one of the Hebrew people because of the visible blood sign of his circumcision and enjoys Yahweh's protection. There have been many attempts to answer these questions, but they are all very speculative. then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. I believe this caused quite a division in the family relationship. She had been given in marriage to the refuge Egyptian prince after he had shown kindness to his seven daughters. This meant that Zipporah had symbolically transferred the circumcision she performed to her husband by touching the childs foreskin to his penis.This ritual of circumcision by proxy made Moses her bridegroom of blood, which satisfied God and, therefore, saved Moses life.7, Euphemisms are used all throughout the Old Testament. The original Hebrew only has pronouns such as he and him in those places. What surprised you in this Bible study session? A bloody husband - Literally, "a husband of blood," or "bloods." She and Moses lived under the authority of her father, a priest of God amongst the Midianites. Zipporahs word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. Moreover, we know that Zipporah circumcised Gershom and touched Moses with the foreskin to take the place of Moses circumcision, give him the credentials for leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and protect his family from the wrath of the protagonist. In Hebrew, her name means bird or little bird. We first meet Zipporahwho later became Mosess wifeat a well in her hometown of Midian. This passage is rather uneventful and straightforward if we read it properly. Our study is to give some sense to this short mysterious section of text and present a few possible reasons for its inclusion, so you can make up your mind about which seems the most logical answer. We are first introduced to Zipporah in Exodus 2:16, as a shepherdess, one of Jethros seven daughters. Whatever the reason, Zipporah had to think and act quickly in order to save her husbands life. If under the age of 13, or the age of majority in your country, you may use this website only with the consent of a parent or guardian. Zipporah was not a Hebrew woman, but a Midianite ( Exodus 2:16-22 [16] Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. Zipporah, fearing that her husband would be slain, performed the rite herself, and the angel then permitted Moses to pursue his journey. Many non-Hebrews who have never seen circumcision might find the procedure utterly strange, inhumane, and disgusting. ((c) Maimon. Why did God seek to kill Moses? Zipporah is Moses's patrilineal cousin and his second wife. It was then she said, A bridegroom of blood by circumcision.. Takedown request | View complete answer on en.wikipedia.org. Unlike his Egyptian peers, he was circumcised. See e-Sword notes below. Why on the 8th day? It is listed in References & Notes.11. Your email address will NOT be published. Exactly why Moses had not circumcised his son is not stated in Scripture. The two boys were known as her sons. Thus in verse 25, Zipporah circumcises her son as Moses holds him still. (LogOut/ Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me, she said. The long donkey ride on the way to Egypt left Zipporah, Moses, and their two children wanting for a good nights rest. We are urged to die to all our false identities and to remember our true identity as siblings of the flesh and blood of the Bridegroom. At least, the Egyptian in him had to die in order for the bloody, Israelite Moses, in his truest identity, to fulfill the purpose for which he was born. Speculation: What I find to be particularly interesting is that Zipporah immediately knew who the Lord was and exactly why he was there. feet, and said, The blood of the circumcision of my child is stopped, and she went away from him; Let the dead bury their dead, but follow thou me. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Then again, as some researchers suggest, God may have sought to kill not Moses, but Mosess son because he had not been marked as a member of Israel through circumcision. We can prove that by tracing their lineages in scripture. Zipporah immediately takes a sharp stone cuts the foreskin off of her son and throws it at the feet of Moses and declares he is a bloody husband. Let us go through this passage, explaining each difficult section separately. The meaning is: The marriage bond between us is now sealed by blood. God locks his intent on him and by extension all of Egypt's first born. People are asking the wrong questions because they are reading the passage incorrectly in faulty translations. Why do that? The scripture says Zipporah touched his feet, with the foreskin. We can only speculate as to why the ceremony of circumcison was not performed. Zipporah The Woman Who Wrongly Opposed Her Husband. A bloody husband.Heb., a husband of bloods A husband, i.e., who causes the blood of his children to be shed unnecessarily for some unintelligible reason. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The last we hear of Zipporah is shortly after the Exodus. Finally Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son's foreskin and caused it to touch his feet and said: 'It is because you are a . On the flip side, if the protagonist is all-mighty as He states, the circumcision alone- an act of obedience and surrender- could render the preservation of their lives. Most would probably agree that Moses grew up to be a great leader. Listed on Blogspots Another look at the text along with more research revealed that the protagonists words foreshadowed the Passover with the threat to Moses. 21 The LORD said to Moses, When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. While she is introduced early in Exodus, very little is said about her. It would be rivaled soon after as the blood of the Egyptian children ran cold at the final plague, as the blood of lambs was smeared on the doorposts of the Hebrew households that first Passover, and with the bloodying of the sea as the waters closed over the Egyptian army. Him in verse 24 refers to Pharaohs firstborn son. We can also safely conclude that Zipporah opposed the circumcision of her son. In fact, they might even be aware that he was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt in the episode called the Exodus. If God sought to kill Moses for his sin of murder, as some scholars speculate, there is nothing about circumcision that atones for sin. The Hidden Books (1 Esdras 2 Maccabees), Godfrey Higgins Mentions That 12th Century Edrisi Noted That Jews Were on the West Coast of Africa, Jews of Africa Have the Skeletal Type of the Earliest Jews and Sephardim, 1880 Brown Natives of Palestine Looked Like Black Slaves In America. Zipporah, having circumcised her son, corrected the mistake and saved her husband, whose life was in danger due to non-observance of the commandment. Why would God want to kill the man he just commissioned to save his people from bondage? A bloody husband. This passage has perplexed many students of the word over the years. She is a longtime student of the Word who brings dynamic and prophetic insights to her preaching, teaching, and pastoral life. In Exodus 4:24-26 it says, "And it came to pass, at the encampment (inn), that the Lord met him and sought to kill him." Apparently God was holding Moses accountable for the breaking of God's covenant. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. In Genesis 17:14 it says, And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant. Because of the age of the child, it seems likely that Moses was being held accountable for the sin of omission. Exodus 4:24-26, 24. Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) explains to Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) what job a mohel13 performs and Elaine gives her opinion about uncircumcised men. And it came to pass. (verse 24)), but there is no thematic break. The church is married to a bridegroom of blood. The Study Bible for Women says: "Zipporah performed the rite that Moses had neglected; circumcision was necessary to identify the son as a "son of Israel", a member of the covenant community". It does not store any personal data. It does not tell us how old he was when he ledt Egypt or when he arrived in Midian. Hilchot Milah, c. 2. sect. "Moses had been as good as taken from her by the deadly attack which had been made upon him. Catullus. Moreover, the failure to be circumcised is punishable by exclusion from the Abrahamic covenant, not death (Genesis 17:14). God told Moses to put his hand to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand became white like it was leprous. She received Moses back from the dead, as it were, and remarried him again. This is symbolic of humankind being dead to God, but then he provides redemption through a blood sacrifice and brings humankind back to himself. You can see our basic rules for comments by clicking The Fine Print on the top menu bar. How might these things have been allowed to trump your identity in Christ? It would also appear that she had successfully persuaded Moses to go along with her in refusing to circumcise the child. In his mission to Pharaoh, Moses was to be placed in a position of great peril; his life could be preserved only through the protection of holy angels. What action can you take to remind the church of her true identity? Why would God want to kill Moses? The standard explanation is that Moses had not circumcised his son, as Jehovah had ordered for all descendants of Abraham. In scripture Zipporah opposed the circumcision the household of Pharaoh in Egypt since infancy these cookies will stored... The word who brings dynamic and prophetic insights to her preaching, teaching, email! Back from the side of the spirit get the correct understanding of the word over the years and life... Caused quite a division in the New Testament, the failure to be a great leader son as Moses him. By exclusion from the side of the prepuce would be the protagonists way of equipping him as he he! 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