"Ukraine is moving closer to the West but it's doing it because the Russians have been annexing Ukrainian territory and threatening the Ukrainians. Russia, the United States and its NATO allies are meeting this week for negotiations focused on Moscow's demand for Western security guarantees and Western concerns about a recent buildup of Russian troops near Ukraine. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian army fighters are putting up furious resistance. Russia has previously denied accusations from Ukraine and Nato that it had been helping to arm and fund the rebels in a fight that has cost more than 14,000 lives. Instead, several countries joined NATO, such as the Baltic Republics, Poland, Romania and Lithuania. On a similar note, China is also looking to avenge what it sees as the "century of humiliation.". Ukraines state broadcaster Suspilne offers this round-up of overnight news on its official Telegram channel. The situation is too complex to expect a decisive breakthrough after just one meeting, he said. Putin, who is an ex-KGB member, has opposed Ukraines joining NATO multiple times. The U.S. and its allies in Europe have repeatedly said they are committed to that "open-door" policy. "NATO never even had any forces on its eastern edge because we didn't feel the need to have troops close to Russia until Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and led NATO members to be concerned that they might keep going into NATO territory," Victoria Nuland, undersecretary of state for political affairs, said. Russia's president has made no secret he envisions a day in the not-so-distant future when NATO missiles could be housed on Ukrainian soil within minutes' striking distance from Moscow. And that's the way it's been year after year." Geopolitical tensions have been running high over the last few months. A woman crosses a street near a traditional wooden house in Chernihiv. The U.S. has also put a focus on new groups like the Quad, which is a grouping of the U.S., Japan, India, and Australia. Putin, who has served as either president or prime minister of Russia since 1999, has been clear and often outspoken about his belief Ukraine should never be allowed to join NATO. The program aimed to help aspiring nations who were interested in joining solidify their application through goals and recommendations from NATOs leadership, many of which involve democratic, economic and other ideals. Tensions between China and Taiwan are at multi-decade highs. And they believed that the United States could protect them if Russia ever became aggressive again," said James Goldgeier, an American University professor who has written extensively about NATO. "And where is it written down on paper?" In mid-December, Russia submitted draft documents outlining security arrangements it wanted to negotiate with the United States and NATO, as Washington for weeks had been seeking diplomatic solutions to deescalate from what U.S. officials were already calling the opening moves of a possible invasion. "NATO has never expanded through force or coercion or subversion. " Sarotte said. This war is not just between Russia and Ukraine, says Gao. Weeks later, Russia threw its weight behind a separatist insurgency that broke out in Ukraines east. We take a look at why this military stand-off is mounting and Russias opposition to Nato expansion. One of the Kremlins top demands near the top of the list: NATO should ban Ukraine from ever joining its alliance. Thats what will happen. Why does Russia not want Ukraine to join NATO? Over the course of the past day, Russian troops shelled the Kherson region 86 times, Kherson nine times. Aspiring members are asked to meet various conditions before they are allowed to begin the process of joining via a "Membership Action Plan." In the decades since, it has steadily expanded its orbit, bringing a swathe of central and eastern European states into its ranks after the USSR collapsed. Australia and Sweden have a similar status. Meanwhile, the airspace in the area is closed. Now Putin appears to be acting as if Russia is in a position to dictate new terms and rewrite the story of the end of the Cold War. The future of NATO, the transatlantic security alliance, is at the centre of the standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine. But there was always a concern about Ukraine," Goldgeier said. Hungary and Turkey are so far the only two Nato countries not to ratify their admission. Russia Moscow wants guarantees that its neighbour, a former Soviet state, will be permanently barred from joining the United States-led alliance. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview broadcast Sunday that after Russia suspended its participation in the last arms control agreement with Washington, it would take into account the nuclear weapons capabilities not only of the United States but of other NATO countries such as France and Britain. This photo taken from video distributed by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service shows Russian military vehicles move during drills in Crimea, April 22, 2021. "He's basically holding Ukraine hostage to force a do-over of these NATO expansion battles," she said. But even a single attack during those 36 years could have escalated quickly, due to the most notable part of NATOs charter: Article 5. Putin ahead of the February 2022 invasion demanded NATO remove its deployments east of where they were in 1997, which would nearly cut NATO nearly in half: the 14 countries that have joined from 1999 to 2020 were all in the Eastern half of Europe. While its unclear exactly how each and every countrys leadership feels in 2022 about Ukraines status, the process has been largely stalled since 2008. I will be back later. A spokesperson for Ukraines Donetsk regional military administration told CNN today: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}About 4,500 civilians remain in Bakhmut. Putin has also repeatedly claimed that much of NATO's expansion into eastern Europe in recent decades has violated a promise that Russia says the U.S. made in 1990, where U.S. Secretary of State James Baker in negotiations said they would move NATO "not one inch" farther eastward in exchange for Russia allowing a then-divided Germany to reunify. Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the Duma, Russias lower house of parliament, said that any public dissemination of knowingly false information about the forces will be punishable, The US does not expect Russia to make significant territorial gains in Ukraine in the near term, a US undersecretary of defence has said. According to a poll conducted by Pew Research Center the fall before, just over half of Ukrainians disapproved of NATO and the idea Ukraine might try to join, while just 28% approved. Russia has demanded that NATO guarantees Ukraine will never join the alliance, something the organisation couldn't realistically offer, according to Ed Arnold, a research fellow at the defence think tank RUSI. Not assurances. Why does Russia oppose Ukraine joining Nato? It is unlikely, however, that Ukraine will meet the requirements anytime soon. None of that has deterred Putin, for whom Ukraine is "personal," says Andrea Kendall-Taylor, a former senior U.S. intelligence officer now with the Center for a New American Security. Tensions have been high between Russia and Ukraine since the latter declared itself independent of the Soviet Union in 1991 and moved to a market economy. If Ukraine joins NATO, the country might also get military equipment from alliance members. Little changed over the subsequent years among European leaders, while the U.S., if anything, has eased back from its once-enthusiastic position. While this made for a more uniform process, it also made for a longer one. "For us this is a serious challenge a challenge to our security," Putin said. Heres what you need to know. But that long-standing divide was challenged in 1989 when anti-communist protests spread across East Germany and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. "Are we putting our rockets near the borders of the United States? I trust the national assembly will make a wise decision as soon as possible!. Having U.S. troops or military equipment right next to its border is a red line for Russia. Over the course of the 1990s and early 2000s, NATO expanded three times: first to add the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland; then seven more countries even farther east, including the former Soviet republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania; and finally with Albania and Croatia in 2009. "We need ironclad, waterproof, bulletproof, legally binding guarantees. When the two countries were independent, Crimea was a strategic place that Russia considered, so in 2014 it proceeded to invade the peninsula, and barely without opposition it took control of the area. It reports on its Telegram channel for the region that a resident of Blahodatne was disassembling an explosive device found at home. Guarantees. In a short audio message released by his press service, he said: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}The Ukrainian army is throwing extra reserves into Artyomovsk and trying to hold the town with all their strength. Just 19% of people had felt the same way in a similar question the group asked in 2012. This is an axiom. Many observers see it as a distant prospect that Ukraine could join NATO because it doesn't meet membership requirements. That year, as Ukraine sought to join MAP, President George W. Bush cast his support behind the idea during a summit in Bucharest. We have information that makes it very likely that this was the adversary, Reuters reports Janusz Cieszynski, a government official responsible for digitalisation, told broadcaster Polsat News. Ukraines state broadcaster Suspilne reports that the air alert in Kyiv has ended. NATO has also publicly stated that they want to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia, which could lead to a continent-wide conflict. His election came on the heels of a move by Ukraines parliament to enshrine the goals of joining NATO and the European Union into the countrys constitution in September 2018. The Russian foreign ministry has published an image of Russias foreign minister Sergei Lavrov meeting his Turkish counterpart Mevlt avuolu in India ahead of the G20 meeting. NATO's counter: U.S. officials have made clear they believe even Russia knows this demand is unrealistic. At the Munich Security Conference in 2007, Putin said, It is obvious that Nato expansion does not have any relation with the modernization of the alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe. He added, On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust., Russia is at war. No we're not," argued Putin to a Western journalist during a press conference in December. There was never full-scale conflict between the pair of ideologically-opposed blocs, and Warsaw dissolved in 1991 when the Soviet Union fell. This photo taken from video distributed by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service shows Russian military vehicles move during drills in Crimea, April 22, 2021. Russia has previously denied accusations from Ukraine and Nato that it had been helping to arm and fund the rebels in a fight that has cost more than 14,000 lives. As Russia gathered tens of thousands of troops along its border with Ukraine in the months before invading the country something the Kremlin denied it would do about up until the day it happened President Vladimir Putin began issuing demands to the West. Michele Kelemen contributed to this explainer from Washington, D.C. Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, Ukraine crisis deepens after U.K. says Russia may try to install a pro-Kremlin leader, 90 tons of U.S. military aid arrives in Ukraine as border tensions with Russia rise, U.S. is 'fully prepared' if Russia invades Ukraine, secretary of state says, abandoned in 2019 by the Trump administration, Historic Arms Control Treaty Ends With Washington And Moscow Blaming Each Other. Welcoming [Ukraine and Georgia] into the Membership Action Plan would send a signal to their citizens that if they continue on the path to democracy and reform they will be welcomed into the institutions of Europe, Bush said in a speech. Lonie Chao-Fong will be here shortly to take you through the next few hours of our live coverage. Timothy Snyder, a history professor at Yale University, told MSNBC in March that Ukraine was recognized as a distinct Soviet republic not arbitrarily by Vladimir Lenin, as Putin has argued, but because the Soviet leader recognized in Ukraine a distinct, existing national identity. Here are some of the latest images we have been sent over the news wires from Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the U.N. Security Council via a videoconference at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow on Friday. This enlargement has troubled Moscow, which is wary of the Brussels-headquartered alliance edging ever closer to its borders and hemming it in from the West. The situation deteriorated in 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine. France and Germany opposed it, fearing escalation with Russia. In 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin tried to secure a guarantee from President Bill Clinton that NATO would not add any former Soviet republics. Offers may be subject to change without notice. In a show of force, Russia has massed more than 100,000 troops around Ukraines borders and sent sweeping security demands to Washington and NATO. Western powers are yet to be convinced Kyiv has done enough work to eradicate corruption and meet the other political, economic and military criteria required to enter the alliance, as set out in its 1995 Study on Enlargement. At the time, Russia claims that President Gorbachev was promised by the US that NATO would not move east. It would send a signal throughout the region that these two nations are, and will remain, sovereign and independent states. Unfortunately, we're experiencing it now," Gottemoeller said. Market Realist is a registered trademark. The empty seat for Ukraines foreign minister is shown before a NATO foreign ministers meeting on Dec. 1, For the U.S. and its Western allies, a successful and independent Ukraine was a potent potential symbol that Russia's time as a powerful empire had come to an end. What does Russia want and why is it so hard for the U.S. to meet Moscow partway? President Vladimir Putin cast the confrontation with the West over the Ukraine war as an existential battle for the survival of Russia; A year since ordering the invasion of Alexander Zemlianichenko/Pool, AP NATO is a Cold War-era organization. It reports: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}Russian troops shelled Chuhuiv in the Kharkiv region: an apartment building was damaged, two people were injured. Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the US were its founding members. Three years later, Zelenskyy sat in the Oval Office, meeting with President Joe Biden during an official visit to the U.S., and he told reporters he planned to press his American counterpart on the question of Ukraines chances to join NATO and the timeframe." Since Russias illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea in 2014, NATO has helped to reform Ukraines armed forces and defence institutions, including with hide caption. "Obviously, the more it did to stabilize the situation in central and Eastern Europe and bring them into the West, the more it antagonized the Russians," he said. Russia does not want Ukraine in NATO and has said as much in its list of security demands which were sent to the US last December. NATO on its website cites among other sources a 2014 interview with Mikhail Gorbachev the Soviet Union president leading the 1990 negotiations said such conversations were only in reference to the reunification of Germany. The US does not expect Russia to make significant territorial gains in Ukraine in the near why Finland and Sweden want to join Nato video explainer. Relations between Russia and the West appear to be teetering on the brink of all-out war. NATO would defend these countries if they were threatened or attacked. Ten years earlier, though, Gorbachev had insisted that he was promised NATO would not "move 1 centimeter further east," muddying the water around the historical debate. While Western leaders may point to corruption as a primary reason for keeping Ukraine on hold, the alliance could still have chosen over the past decade to invite Ukraine to join MAP a nonbinding step, and a program designed explicitly "to assist aspiring countries in their preparations for possible future membership," NATO's site reads. The Baltic states will send Stinger and Javelin systems, as well as various individual equipment to help Ukraine to strengthen its defences. Both blocks offered other countries their own vision of economic development and politics. A few years later in 2014, the mood had shifted drastically after protests deposed Ukraines then-president and Russia annexed Crimea. Russia has mobilized more than one hundred thousand troops along its border with Ukraine and is demanding major security concessions from NATO. Russia's reasoning: Moscow has long believed the U.S. calls the shots in Kyiv and the U.S. has expressed support for the Minsk accords as a path toward deescalation. The lowest current NATO member in the rankings is Turkey, given a 38, while Russia was graded at a 29. In the three decades since, NATO expansion has put four members on Ukraine's borders. According to a report released by Freedom House in 2021, Ukraine has sought to reform its democracy in recent years, though cited "strong resistance from entrenched interests during 2020" as holding back progress. 'It's not on paper? On Monday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the issue was not on the agenda following talks with Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, despite Ukraines president restating his countrys membership ambition. All rights reserved. Please turn on JavaScript to use this feature. The Russian government largely ignores its own far-right networks if only because they currently both share the same imperialist designs in Ukraine. * NATO needs Ukraine make it a member now* defensive weapons save lives send them to Ukraine now* sanctions deter aggression impose them on Russia now* Nord Stream 2 is Russias war project cancel it now. Russia said on Friday it wanted a legally binding guarantee that NATO would give up any military activity in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, part of a wish list of security But, arguably, one of the most crucial industries coming to Ukraines aid has been Washingtons powerful lobbying industry. "We don't trust the other side," Russia's chief negotiator, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, said after bilateral talks with the U.S. finished. Moscow denied it but followed up with a series of specific demands from NATO and the United States that go far beyond Ukraine. The claim that NATO is sending jet fighters and helicopters to help Ukraine is bullshit. Some of Washingtons most powerful lobbyists are providing their services to Ukraine for free but at the same time, they are taking in millions in fees from Pentagon contractors who stand to benefit from the countrys war with Russia. Ryan Knutson: Russia has said it would like NATO to stop providing that aid, and it wants a promise that Ukraine will never join NATO. Feel free to drop me a message if you have anything to flag, you can reach me on Twitter or via email. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian fighters putting up furious resistance in Bakhmut, says Wagner boss, Ukraines forces may pull back from Bakhmut where 4,500 civilians remain, Ukrainian official denies it launched drone attacks within Russian territory, Poland says 'Russians are responsible' for cyberattack on online tax system, Russia aims to strengthen censorship laws, Blinken and Lavrov arrive in India for G20 meeting, Nikopol attacked eight times overnight Ukrainian official, Blinken warns central Asia against ignoring Russian aggression, Theyre lobbying for Ukraine pro bono and making millions from arms firms, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Clinton refused. While it was socialism and communism for the Soviet Union, NATO pushed forward capitalism and the democratic model. Analysts focused on Russias supposed hybrid approach to war had failed to appreciate two things. It has also called for NATO to cease all military activity in Eastern Europe, blaming it for undermining security in the region. NATO's counter: This could be an area of compromise. Russia takes no account of people and sends them in constant waves against our positions, the intensity of the fighting is only increasing, he said in an overnight address, describing the fighting in Bakhmut as most difficult but its defence as essential. The Biden administration says it is ready to impose high-impact sanctions in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, a claim echoed by NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg. Russia's main demand is a commitment from NATO to end its further expansion into former Soviet republics especially Ukraine. But the high-stakes diplomatic efforts have borne little success. The West must act to defeat the aggressor. Moscow has the future of the US-led transatlantic military alliance in its sights as Kyiv eyes membership. But why does Russia want to do anything in its power to prevent Ukraine from being part of NATO? Seemingly conflicting comments from U.S. officials and Gorbachev made years later do not help clear this up. Ukraines president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has accused Russia of throwing waves of men into battle in Bakhmut with no regard for their lives. With the U.S. internally divided over domestic politics and Germany's new government not yet settled on policy positions after the departure of longtime Chancellor Angela Merkel, Putin "senses that this is a good time to push matters," said Sarotte. Claire Harbage/NPR Here's a guide. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin had sent troops in two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine -- Donetsk and Luhansk -- after recognising them independent. Ukraine, as the largest former Soviet republic in Europe besides Russia itself, has been a key part of alliance talks since it declared independence from the USSR in 1991. Ukraine and Georgia, both of which expressed interest in MAP in the 2000s, have yet to be allowed to participate, despite receiving vague promises from NATO leaders in 2008 that they would be welcomed in at some point in the future. And indeed, Putin still serving in his first stint as president and other Russians at the time lashed out against the idea that either country might move closer to NATO. Russia's reasoning: President Vladimir Putin views Ukraine as an extension of what he calls "historical Russia" a part of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, and within Moscow's "sphere of influence" today. In the 1990s, as NATO reevaluated its purpose in a world without a powerful Soviet Union which the alliance was designed to counterbalance NATO formed a more organized process for prospective countries: the Membership Action Plan. Putin has said it is now time for NATOs waves of expansion to be reversed and for the alliance to guarantee that Ukraine never be allowed to become a member. The war between Ukraine and Russia has been ongoing now for eleven days. Russia, the United States and its NATO allies are meeting this week for negotiations focused on Moscow's demand for Western security guarantees and Western concerns about a recent buildup of Russian troops near Ukraine. The Russia alleges that Ukraine cannot imminently join NATO. Russia-Ukraine tensions aren't new and the two countries have been at loggerheads for a long time. Last-ditch attempts at diplomacy on Monday night between French President Emmanuel Macron and Mr Putin saw them meeting for lengthy talks. Afterward, popular support for joining NATO rose among Ukrainians, who had once been more ambivalent about the alliance. They have argued the Kremlin cannot be allowed an effective veto on Kyivs foreign policy decisions and defended NATOs open door policy, which grants any European nation the right to ask to join. It is, in essence, a war between Russia on the one hand, and the United States and NATO, using Ukraines leaders in recent years have made enthusiastic pleas about their desire to bring the country into NATO especially current President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was elected into office in 2019. Russias invasion has led some of the lobbying industrys biggest players to do the unthinkable lobby for free. "The louder Moscow protested, the more determined western capitals became to deny Russia what was seen as a veto over alliance decision-making," Samuel Charap, a Russia specialist at Rand Corp., wrote in the Financial Times earlier this month. It is a complex decision, with serious consequences, so careful consideration is necessary, Novak said on Facebook. Russia is trying to encircle Bakhmut and using their best and most well trained and the most experienced troops from the mercenary Wagner group, Ukraines economic adviser Alexander Rodnyansky told CNN on Tuesday. 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