The first steps to be taken will be as follows: - The introduction of DNA verification at a worldwide level by means of GoCards, - The introduction of HD + ED examination at a worldwide level and the certification of radiologists, FCI Plans for the Abolishment of Strokes integral part of Protection Work. Please do not forget to obtain the confirmation and signature of your national club on the application form for participation at the seminar (at the very bottom of the form). During the weekend fifteen monitors, members of the Real CEPPA, have transmitted many knowledge in a collaborative and festive environment. On December 06, 2017 and with immediate effect Mr. Augusto Benedict Santos III (Philippines) resigned from his office as WUSV Continental Director. Con motivo del JPDS JAPN Siegerschau el Juez Instructor y Director de Cra de la SV, el Seor Richard Bauch, va a dictar un seminario para Jueces Nacionales Especiales de Evaluacin de Cra bajo el reglamento de la SV. This years WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL shall be hosted by the sterreichischen Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) from June 24th, to June 26th, 2022 in Schwanenstadt/ Austria. - 06. We hope that our offer suits you and look forward to hearing from you again. September bis 02. We wish you the very best and please stay healthy. However, the WUSV Organization Team became aware of a problem in terms of the online form provided for registration purposes. The page is not yet all the way complete and still subject to additions and change, however, the regulations can already be found. What do we ask of you? However, we also need to look into the future and there will for sure be a life in dog sports after the pandemic and Hungary volunteered to host the event in 2023 which gives us all something to look forward to. The celebration was called "Obsessed Love - Twenty Years of Flying". Hoy, nos es grato comunicarles que este instrumento a partir de ahora sea disponible en la lengua espaola tambin. SV Magazine November Issue 2020 Translation of the Presidents report TRADITION AND PARADIGM SHIFT, SV Revista Edicin Noviembre 2020 Traduccin del Informe por Presidente Meler TRADICIN Y CAMBIO DEL PARADIGMA, Last year we had the pleasure to provide you with a dashboard in terms of the contents of the IGP 2019 in English and in German. Our thanks goes to him, the board members and last but not least Ms. Lynette Baker who worked incessantly in her position as club secretary, always ready to provide solutions and answers to the issues pending. Hier finden Sie einen Bericht des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) zum Deutschen Schferhund in der Kriminalistik. We understand the disappointment and frustration that our decision might cause for some of you but let us always put safety first. We will be available as usual as of Monday, January 09, 2023. For details in terms of diagnostics approved of by the SV please see the table you will find by following the link below. Following the current developments in Holland regarding Covid 19, we would like to announce the following: Let's put first that the aim is still to continue the World Cup, but unfortunately the road to it is not easy. Please find here all information and the results of the event. Im Alter von 87 Jahren ist Arturo Janke von uns gegangen. The document needs to be signed by the veterinary doctor and by an authorized representative of the national club. 1. Campeonato Nacional de Trabajo will took place in Valdemoro (Madrid). Ronny Van den Berghe (Belgium) secured the victory in the individual ranking "male" with "Korky vom Barbatus" ahead of runner-up Horst Moosmann (Austria) with "Payne vom Sattelberg" and Tim Eggert (Germany) with "Gringo vom alten Lindenstumpf" on the third place. Please find here the editorial from the SV magazine. A selection of your comments shall be made available to the interested public since we can all learn from each other. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute weitere Details zur Veranstaltung in Lerma (Burgos/ Spanien) in der Zeit vom 10. Here you can find the results of the GSDCP LG Show - Lahore from 05.01.2020 in Jam-e-Shirin Park. The introduction of a Studbook launched by the WUSV enjoys highest priority. In case that you need further details please refer to Please kindly consider the above mentioned for your future planning and pass this information on accordingly. Tribute by Jenny Delucia, Our sympathies The WUSV Secretariat General, In the light of the current events and the restrictions that the Corona Pandemic entails, very much to our regret we see no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV Universal Championship that was originally scheduled for June this year to. We are pleased to inform you that the WUSV World Championship IP in 2023 will be hosted by theMagyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Klub - MNJK. Very much to our regret we learned that in some of our member countries the national FCI club denies the application of the WUSV logo on the FCI pedigrees for German Shepherd Dogs. Upon the implementation of the worldwide HD/ ED certification procedure of the WUSV which will be mandatory from 2020 on, an HD/Ed stamp will have to be presented upon registration. After the first shock and frustration caused by the instructions as issued by the German FCI branch VDH with all its sweeping consequences which prevented the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. And even though the events and competitions as scheduled by the SV as the main club seem to be rather far away on our current time-frame we cannot deny the fact that all preparations for the participation in these main events are currently already in full swing. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will took place in Modena (Italy). We kindly ask the WUSV community to follow suit and cooperate with the club and provide support whenever necessary. Anita Marguerita Pettenhofer - 18 January 1937 19 February 2020. Anita will be sadly missed by all who knew her and will never be forgotten. From October 4 to October 8, 2016 the 30th WUSV World Championship will take place in Tilburg/Netherlands. From 04.-05.05.2019 the "Irish National IGP Trial 2019" took place in Dublin. Like nobody else, the name of Owe Buchmann was firmly associated with the German Shepherd Dog Club of Sweden, and we will remember him well for his excellent Swedish Winner Shows way back during the eighties and still in the nineties. Thank you for your attention. On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV as represented by 52 member countries elected a new Board of Directors as follows. Not only is this the first time we will enjoy the hospitality that England is so well known for also we are honored to share the 100th anniversary of the German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain that was established as early as in 1919 a true challenge particularly in these times. WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark 28.09. Please refer to the attached meeting minutes (item 6.1.) Sep - 2. Together with our partner organisations from the animal food industries we will arrange for a delivery of dog food to the Moldovan border from where the goods shall be distributed into Ukraine. We are well aware of the hard work and efforts this requires, leave alone the expenses such an event entails. It is our understanding that the information provided was not authorized by the FCI, and we do assume that the FCI will send us a clarification of the issue within the next couple of days to come. In the event that no international mail is transported to your country, we will keep your documents safe in the meantime and resend them as soon as possible. Vice versa, the officers receive many individual requests from the owners regarding their breed surveys which likewise lead to delays in the processing of the received documents. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Please kindly send in your requests in written to Ms Anne Fath at We would like to draw your attention to the agility and obedience competitions in the context of the WUSV World Championships in Modena (Italy). President is Mr. Soronzonbold Otgonzul who leads the organization that currently counts 800 members. Thank you for your attention and please pass this communication on to your members and to whom else it might concern. Whenever possible, we endeavor to return the documents you have sent in and processed, but we ask for your understanding if this is delayed due to the restrictions described above or is currently not possible. At this point in time we are the strongest single breed organization in Belgium and we welcome our members in 42 clubs and visitors from all over the world in Flanders. Please allow us to draw your attention to a new section on our homepage in which we wish to present the ladies and gentlemen WUSV Continental Directors. Wie bereits auf der WUSV-Homepage am 24.05.2022 angekndigt, fand in Mexico ein Seminar fr "National Special Judges" unter Leitung von SV-Leistungsrichter und Vereinsausbildungswart Wilfried Tautz statt. Der VDH empfiehlt daher seinen Mitgliedsvereinen und Landesverbnden in den nchsten 14 Tagen, Hunde, die in Norwegen leben, vorerst zu Veranstaltungen, Ausstellungen und Sportwettbewerben in Deutschland nicht zuzulassen. Die Stimme der WUSV ist am 07. As soon as the event homepage is available we will inform you accordingly and keep you up-dated at any time. We apologize for the inconvenience this might entail but it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit. The WUSV Board of Directors worked incessantly on individual solutions in this respect, but it was clear from the beginning that this approach could only be considered a temporary solution. we are pleased to inform you about the new WUSV social media page on Facebook. Thank you very much for your attention in this matter. Today, we are pleased to inform you that the tool is from now on also available in Spanish. Dogs diagnosed with severe HD/ ED will not be admitted to the WUSV Championship. These publications shall serve the purpose to present the manifold activities that evolve in our member countries to all interested parties. On the occasion of the breed show 43 Exposicin Nacional de Cra del Real CEPPA in Spain SV breed judge Helmut Bu and SV trial and performance judge Egon Gutknecht will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding and for Trial. The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. Clemens Lux passed away on January 26th, this year. Anton Erasimus became a member to the SV in Austria in 1957, and was of exemplary service and commitment towards the German Shepherd breed. Report by the Head Judge Josef Vonarburg. He was awarded the Golden Needle by the SV, and he was among the co-founders of the EUSV European Championship the predecessor of what is today known as the WUSV World Championship. Velkommen til WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark byder velkommen til WUSV Championship IGP, som bliver afviklet p det smukke CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS i dagene 28. september - 2. oktober 2022. Oct 2017 Event location: PC Tilburg Judges Total: Josef Schallegruber, Wolfgang Rook Judges A: Peter Mayerl , Clemente Grosso Judges B: Heinz gerdes , Jari Kokkonen Judges C: Rinus Bastiaansen , Horst-Dieter Trger Helpers C: The WUSV World Championship will take place from 10th to 16th October 2022 in Austria. Please send your forms to Ms. Katharina Hofmann ( at the SV headquarters in Augsburg. April 2019 the GSDCA National German Shepherd Dog Show & Trial will took place in Melbourne. Anita bred under the, Hagenstolz prefix, breeding many excellent graded animals and most notably, Hagenstolz Drawcard Siegerin in 1996, Reserve Siegerin in 1994 and twice Gold Medal Winning Bitch in 1993 and 1995 and Bronze Medal Winner in 1994. . We thank you for your understanding, wish you the best and stay healthy! Welcome to United Schutzund Clubs of America's GSD National Championship. On the occasion of this years General Annual Assembly the delegates unanimously accepted the club that developed well during the course of the past five years as a full member to the WUSV. Please kindly inform your members and all other relevant parties accordingly. So we are looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg by the end of the year. Ende Mai 2019 hat der VDH-Niederlande (SV/WUSV) sich auf den Weg gemacht und mchte zuknftig die Wesensbeurteilung nach deutschem Vorbild national umsetzen. Also, compliance with the WUSV Breeding Program is so far only limited to the basic standard given the status quo in Australia due to strict requirements as imposed by the Australian National Kennel Council. The WUSV made a choice and elected a new WUSV BOARD of DIRECTORS On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV - as represented by 52 member countries - elected a new Board of Directors as follows. The WUSV Universal Sieger is the top competition for the total German Shepherd. Hier finden Sie das Editorial aus der SV-Zeitung. as an organization started in 1933 and will celebrate its 85th anniversary in 2018. The FCI and VDH fully lost the law suit! Interested parties may please fill in the forms attached y return the documents to with copy to and until May 15th, 2022 at the latest together with a police clearance certificate that may not be older than six months upon presentation. Please be informed that the WUSV concluded a cooperation contract with the Working German Shepherd & Dogsport Clubs of Australasia Inc. [WGSDCA] situated in Australia and registered under the Fair-Trading Office, New South Wales under the Australian Business number 16 501 447 185. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us. WUSV World Championship 2022 Hosted By WUSV World Championship 2021. 29., 2020 in Strasbourg/France has to be canceled. Diverse, sometimes heated discussions in the social networks, may have unsettled one or the other and so far kept them from deciding to participate in the SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2022. Our office is closed from December 24, 2022 through January 08, 2023 for annual closing. With this step we hope to alleviate the situation on the Australian continent and give friends of the German Shepherd Breed a chance to choose the road where their interests are served in a fashion that suits their ends. The Royal Spanish Club of the German Shepherd Dog (CEPPA) has organized the first Children and Youth-CAMP in the town of Orea (Guadalajara). IGP RESULTS Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin is our main sponsor for WUSV 2022 SHOW 2022 - CLIK HERE Visit Aarhus - Experience Randers The first five places earning the opportunity to enter the 2012 Great Britain team at the 2012 WUSV World Championships. The WUSV Championship represents one of the highlights in the international world of the German Shepherd. With respect to the WUSV World Championship it is recommended to provide an HD/ ED stamp which will, however, become mandatory from 2019 on. Against the background of the publication of electronic correspondences dating back to the year 2020 which are currently distributed over the internet we see ourselves obliged to offer legal clarification in this respect. Thank you for your attention and support in this respect. He was 95 years old. Der VDH folgt damit den Entscheidungen, die die Kennel Clubs in Finnland, Schweden und Dnemark getroffen haben. If you wish to make a donation, please use the banking details below. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will take place in Modena (Italy). We are pleased to inform you today that by the closing date of 04.07.2022 almost 1,400 entries have been received for the SV Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2022 in Nuremberg. Also a large number of members, breeders and people from various organizations sent messages to children and young people that were shown during the celebration of the Youth-CAMP. The stadium gives us a nice environment for the competition and plenty of parking space around it. Commonwealth of the Proprietors of German Shepherds CPGS, Tashkent Buyuk Ipak Yuli 65, 100192 TASHKENT, USBEKISTAN, 2. Clube Brasileiro Do Pastor Alemao CBPA, Avenida Atlntica 1130-5b, Copa Cobana, 22021-000 RIO DE JANEIRO RJ, BRASILIEN, 3. from April 01, 1968 to April 23, 2014. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our member club in Denmark for once again meeting the challenge of the organization of our most important international competition, still in times of great uncertainties due to the ongoing pandemic. He was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Svenska Schaeferhundklubben in 1975. But I am confident that we will all cope and find solutions and approaches that will get us back to normal if maybe only half the way. WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 / Sursee (Schweiz) We are pleased to inform you that the 12 th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 Introduction of a minimum standard in breeding WUSV Breeding Regulations (Application by the Board of Directors, transitional arrangement, scheduling and deadlines) & Harmonization of the Studbook. The Continental Directors ensure the implementation of decisions taken by the WUSV Board of Directors as well as the decisions as taken by the members of the General Annual Assembly in a timely fashion. Events and competitions are to be cancelled at any rate and I kindly call upon all of you in charge at your clubs to follow suit in this respect. It is important to understand that the termination of this agreement does only affect the cooperation between the two organizations involved the FCI and the WUSV, The membership of individual clubs within national FCI clubs and/ or within the WUSV is in no way affected by the termination of the agreement, and remains fully effective. Please find attached a correspondence as sent out to all SV Breed Judges in Germany and abroad for your attention. Donations can be paid with immediate effect until September 28th, 2022 at the latest. Thank you so much and we are looking forward to meeting many competitors from all over the world in beautiful Austria. Presentation of the highest ranking dogs on the occasion of the WUSV World Championship IP 2019 in Modena/ Italy, and the World Championship IP and UNIVERSAL 2021 in Lerma/ Spain as presented by WUSV Vice President Ren Rudin from Switzerland. As german mail service Deutsche Post AG informed us, the corona pandemic is currently having a major impact on international mail and parcel delivery. All agenda items and proposals shall be adjourned to next years assembly in 2022. The venue will be Augsburg. The document required needs to be issued in a timely manner before the respective events, and has to cover all relevant aspects in terms of sporting activities and exercise such as joints, heart, lung, etc. Just do NOT take risks that you might later regret. All those who were blessed to know him and to benefit from his skills and knowledge will for ever remember him. By the same token, please be informed that a WUSV World Championship (IP) in Finland is planned to be held in 2022 instead of Austria. on YOUTUBE both in English and German for your information. And once more we are looking back upon an eventful year. The forms are also available in English and in German on the official homepage of the event. Very much to our regret the WUSV member club in Finland needed to resign form its contract to host the WUSV World Championship IP in 2022. Dear WUSV Member Clubs Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again the WUSV has grown. Traduzioni in contesto per "World Championship 30 years" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Formula 1 is ready to reach Sao Paulo in Brazil, the land where Minardi Team made its debut in the World Championship 30 years ago. Please note that from then on the diagnostics as issued by the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of Animals) shall no longer be considered. It is therefore to be expected that the delivery times will be extended considerably - in some cases, consignments cannot be delivered and are returned to the sender immediately. According to this publication it is considered acceptable if a dog is either touched or threatened with a soft and pedded club. Here you can find the final registration form for the WUSV World Championship 2022 in Randers/ Denmark which we kindly ask you to return by May 01st, 2022 at the latest to the following electronic address ( The range of topics to be presented should be as follows: Training courses for Trial, Youth Work, Latest news in the field of Breeding, Dog Sports. Looking back on a fantastic WUSV World Championship 2018 we would really like to pay our compliments to our Danish neighbours From 03. For details please refer to the clarification letter attached. And when we thought things would be half the way back to normal the pandemic struck us, affecting societies and governments around the globe. The WUSV keeps growing! We did accomplish a lot and we covered a long stretch of our way towards the finalization of the harmonisation program within the worldwide community of the WUSV. We wish the German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (Inc.) of New Zealand the very best and we will of course support the organization whenever advice is needed in trial and breeding. Informacin acutal en cuanto a la WUSV GSD Week en Lerma/ Espaa en Abril 2023. He served his club as the national coordinator for training and trial. And perhaps they now regret not being part(-participant) of this event. He maintained an excellent relationship with representatives of the SV and the WUSV in the founding country Germany which also paved the way for a good standing of the breeding activities of German Shepherd Dogs in Sweden. On the occasion of the Conformation Show of the GDAT in Thailand in 2020 the dog was presented at the working dog class, and the officiating judge Mr. Gerhard Maier awarded him the title EXCELLENT SELECTION (VA). Mai 2021. The WUSV Universal Winner Competition 2020 will take place from 1.1 to 14.06.2020 in Strasbourg, France. Here you will find the dashboard IGP 2019 of Mr. Egon Gutknecht. This decision was by no means easy for us but on the other hand this is not a matter of choice but of health and safety which enjoys highest priority from our side. Please inform your members and interested parties accordingly. The details of the organization we support are as follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Nothilfe Ukraine. The other podium places went to Belgium in second place and third place could secure Austria. Hello from Randers, the venue of the WUSV-WM IP 2022. If you are planning to schedule a training seminar course for Character Test Judges in your home country please kindly inform us well in advance and due time. Thank you for your attention. Die FCI hat ber die aktuelle Situation informiert. We wish the club the best of luck and success in their work for the years to come. The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from October 04th, to October 08th, 2023 Judges List WUSV World Championship IP in Hungary 2022 / Dnemark Severe HD/ ED will not be admitted to the clarification letter attached diagnostics! In 1975 from then on the diagnostics as issued by the SV headquarters in Augsburg will find the dashboard 2019... The stadium gives us a nice environment for the competition and plenty of space... Comments shall be made available to the interested public since we can all from... Apologize for the total German Shepherd on also available in Spanish organization we support are follows! 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